a military expession of suprise or anger

2. To Have sex with a water fowl namely a duck
"Well, Fuck a Duck! you hit the Commanding General with that mortar round Pyle"

2." Hey Cletus come see Jethro, he is going to fuck a duck the sicko!
by rabbt December 22, 2003
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Extreme anger or disappointment. Kind of like "Oh, SHIT!" but worse.
CASSIE. It's a sin to lose a crystal. It's like killing your own dog.
COOKIE. Oh, fuck a duck!
by KaiserMonkey September 19, 2003
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One of the many capabilities of a 12 gauge shotgun.
I can't hit shit with this 20 gauge, but this ol' Remington 12 will sure reach out and fuck a duck!
by Rick August 8, 2003
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I don't know about that last entry, but 'fuck a duck!' is used as 1) an expletive when angry, just like 'fuck me!'; or 2) as an expletive when someone forgets something.
3) I also use this as my Halo PC alias, "FöÖk~äа°K"
1) "Fuck a duck!" -Little Johnny's dog just got run over.
2) "What do you mean you forgot the condoms!? Fuck a duck!" Your best friend just ruined the camping trip with a bunch of college chicks.
3) "Fuck a duck!" Little Johnny just got his ass blown up by my rocket. (SAY MY NAME, BITCH!)
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Another way to tell someone to fuck off
Fuck fuck fuck a duck,
screw your uncle scrooge,
bang bang an orangutan,
and your momma too.
by Tameron December 30, 2008
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Definition: to let others know that YOU'RE in control of the situation.

"I'LL fuck this duck, you just hold the tail up".
by LadyDi June 23, 2003
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"fuck a duck" the tune to row your boat.
Fuck fuck fuck a duck,
Screw a Kangaroo.
Finger an Orangutang,
Orgy at the zoo.
by Your Worst Nightmare April 9, 2003
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