Noun: One who is able to hold on to a stash of highly addictive hard drugs for a prolonged period of time, where as the average person would not be able to resist the urge to do them all.

Verb: To hold onto highly addictive drugs for a long period of time without succumbing to the urge to do them.
Wow, that guy Wyrm is fuckin camel! He's had a ton of blow for ages.

Damn, I'm gonna camel this E and see if any of it makes it to Burning man.
by Anon Anon Anon 69 April 2, 2008
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girl who is wearing too many bags at one time.
yandy on feb 6 2010. she said she feels like a camel because she have 1 backpack, 1 hobo bag, 1 plastic bag that ties on her bagpack, and an art portfolio. she makes clinking noises when she walks.
by echo, the hot baby February 6, 2010
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to very quickly drink vast quantities of any kind of liquid
"Holy shit! you just camelled that 26"

You: You know what time it is?
Friend: 9:35?
You: No, it's CAMEL TIME!!!
by bassiibear November 20, 2010
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An ugly female that you ride to get out of the desert. Similar to A Moped. Be careful, as they are very protective of their rider, they will not let any other female around him for fear of losing their jockey.
Dude, I'm dying. I haven't got laid in three months.

Bro, you need a Camel to get out of the Desert!

(Next Day)--

Sweet, I got some ass last night, but now I can't get her out of my apartment.
by Cece February 15, 2005
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an arab or a chaldean, used to say homeboy, or buddy, friend
by A-M-R-O June 9, 2005
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