Just say, NO!
Avoid the temptation
Relax, don't do it ...
Take a cold shower.
Mebbe later.
"John Mark Karl, the despicable human being that he is, was able to RESIST THE URGE ( if you believe even a shred of his horrible claim to have been 'present when JonBenet Ramsey died'."

"We must RESIST THE URGE to enact laws criminalizing fraudulent confession hoaxes or alleged "intentions of evil".

But killing civilians in 'holy war' and disturbing the peace of innocent minds by systematically causing injury of threat or terror, should be quashed by the fullest extent of all civilized law and power. ...

"We've RESISTED THE URGE for long enough. I say 'NUKEM'.",
by Chango Bolamongo October 8, 2006
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man drives right off a fucking bridge
Man: Sometimes it's hard to resist the urge to drive right off a fucking bridge HHHhahaha oh look there's one
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