The bestest frann evahh.
all the gurlz be jealouse.
Aw! Look at that gurl and her breanna! I so want one!(:
by CourtneyyyyLuuhhvv. January 3, 2010
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Breanna's are very smart and tend to be shy at first but once you get to know them they are that one crazy friend! Breanna's can be picky and complain a lot... But if you get them their absolute favorite food they will love you forever!

Oh yeah don't forget they're BOOTIFUL!
Geez, have you seen Breanna she looks stunning today!
by iimagicBee! October 25, 2018
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Smart, cocky girl who doesn't take no shit from nobody. Has been known to read history books for fun. Strange girl... kinda of a loner... She always is thinking about something. Brown hair, tall, Blue eyes, rather attractive, very sarcastic... likes violence.
Random Chick: Your friend over there must have been hit with an ugly stick... multiple times. hahaha
The Breanna: Bitch dont go there... ( beats random chick to pulp)
by lionking88 December 6, 2010
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The finest girl you will ever lay eyes on. If you do, make her yours a Breanna usually ends up with a guy named Brian. She is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with and is the best in bed.
That girl is so fine she must be a Breanna.
by CTHBHG July 15, 2017
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Sometimes all I think about is you.
During late nights recently in the middle of June.
Heatwaves are basically faking me out.
I just can't happier now, man.
Breanna is the type person who likes cold showers
by GOOGandBosNap June 18, 2021
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1. A different spelling of the name "Brianna". From the Irish name "Brian", but the female version.
2. The classic "bitch" character in preteen-teen movies.
3. A jock, a typically dark brown haired girl who is attractive, but kind of stupid and sorta mean.
4. An earthy creative individual, easy to talk to, compassionate- however overly nice at times, to hide real feelings. Commonly has an abnormally close guy friend and is known for making bad decisions with guys... who frequently turn out to have some odd sexual preference. She also has NO gaydar. She also tends to date guys/girls with rhyming names.
5. The nice waitress at Applebee's... yeah the one that smiled at you that one time.
1. "Breanna went to Dubland to visit some distant relatives."
2. Evil step sister in "A Cinderella Story", arch rival trying to steal her man in Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen's "Fun in the Sun"
3. "I was playing soccer with Breanna, and she missed the ball."
"HAHA! That's so funny... she's so stupid."
"yeah, but no. Then she punched me in the face"
4. "Hey what did you do this weekend?"
"Hung out with Breanna"
"Aww i love her, what did you guys do?"
"well we just kinda chilled, and then she decided to hook up with zak- ew."
"was mike with you guys?"
"yeah, he's ALWAYS with her."
"wait... isn't zak gay?"
"Nope he's bi, like Jack"
5. "dude where do you wanna go for dinner?"
"brooo let's go to applebee's... that cute chick breanna hooked me up with a free dessert last time."
by shmelvin89 October 3, 2007
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An amazing girl who will always make you laugh!
Breanna is so funny!
by Shyturtle January 19, 2019
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