the term alpha male comes from a study on wolves that was proven false by the author so it's really a bunch of dumb guys who watches femenist wreckt compilations on youtube and they are most likeley around the age of 14-17
he claims to be an "alpha male" what a dumbass
by fat loser lol September 6, 2021
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One who leads the pack in a positive fashion
Nathan Buckley captain of the Collingwood Magpies in the AFL is a perfect example of an Alpha Male. Leads the so called Collingwood nuff nuffs with pride...Up the Mighty Magpies
by pieguy June 13, 2006
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Like a real dictator, some megalomaniac who thinks he has some special right to run the show. Has only as much power as people give him in their minds. You choose to obey him, he has power. You choose not to, he has nothing.
An alpha male can be punched in the face with no penalty, because he has no real power.
by I wanna riot!!!!!!!! December 9, 2008
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Someone who goes to the gym and is stronger than most people. They don’t actually have any courage or skill at anything. Instead of actually socializing with people, they just keep working out hoping a girl will somehow magically appear in their life. They’ve never actually learned how to fight either, they think they can just bench press an opponent to death (which might actually work, not completely counting it out, but they’d probably lose to an mma fighter). Anyways, being a true alpha male takes a lot more than just lifting weights. Do you have people skills? Are you actually brave, or just strong? Can you outsmart people? Are you a leader or just a meathead? Sorry, but being strong doesn’t make you an alpha, it’s just one part of the mix of a lot of variables.
Person 1: “You know, I just have a super alpha male personality.”
Person 2: “Really? Cuz you live at your mom’s house and can’t pull a girlfriend. Maybe it’s time you go to college and get out of the comfort zone of your local 24 hour fitness.”
by stop playing cod and grow up November 15, 2019
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A masculine, physically strong, powerful, self-confident male who protects women and his family.
He wants to become an Alpha Male.
by luxerxyz September 8, 2022
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“I got news for you, that means you’re gay.” Or maybe even bisexual!!!

See the omegaverse definition. HAPPY PRIDE !
Every (mainly female) fandom knows the alpha male is in reference to the $mut category known as the omegaverse.
by Themoreuknow!!! July 10, 2021
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We can define this guy in a variety of ways...

1. The man with most COMPETITIVE sexual market value, usually in terms of sexual opportunities.

2. The man at the top of the male dominance hierarchy. This prototype of a man typically displays all of the conventional masculine traits that are considered toxic today. The hallmark of his persona is 'confidence'. The man that conduct himself with such class and possesses a swagger that attracts most women to him like a magnet; also he's usually calm when it comes pressure .

3. The man who FUCKS your wife and doesn't give a flyin fuck...

4.Exemplifies 'emotional excitement' and sexual pleasure to all women; not the one to really have long-term relationship with.

5. The man that JUST GETS IT!! Doesn't have to try that hard to acquire success as success naturally comes to him.

6. Who FEMINISTS say they disdain but 'secretly LOVES'...because he's able to fulfills their fantasies if you know what I mean.

7. A NARCISSIST without really choosing or wanting to be.. a 'Chad' or 'Tyrone'

8. One of the reasons why the MGTOW movements is so big and what most of the aspire to become.

9. An undercover gigolo..

10. What James Bonds, Bob Marley, P.Diddy, Jay Z, Justin Bieber, Brad Pitt all are...
Example 1: The Alpha Male mindset is one that most men wished they'd mastered but can't seem to achieve.
by Philosophiee February 19, 2020
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