personally..ACDC pisses the fuck out of me. you can disagree i dont really care..but the lead singers voice is just...annoying. i cant stand it.
shook me all night long

thats what an old man sounds like with a cold
by Johnnydn October 17, 2004
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An Australian rock band that produced timeless classics at first, then tailed off after replacing the late great Bon Scott with the white and slightly more annoying version of Little Richard.
"Dude you coming to ACDC world tour 2007?"
"Those guys aren't dead yet?"
"No, in fact, their lead guitarist still dresses in the same clothes as he did 35 years ago."
by jdsncjsdbnchj February 21, 2007
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AC/DC (Alternating Current/Dirrect Current) is a Rock n Roll band formed in 1973 by Angus and Malcolm Young. The bands line up consisted of Angus/Malcolm Young (Guitars), Phil Rudd (Drums), Bon Scott (Vocals), Mark Evans (Bass). In 1977 Cliff Williams would step in and replace Evans. In early 1980 after the finish of their Highway To Hell Tour, Bon Scott died in a car from choking on his own vomit. 3 months later Brian Johnson was hired (Bon was a fan of Brian). AC/DC have the two most known rock albums in history and the top selling rock album to ever be released (Back In Black 1980). To this date AC/DC has continued to keep their simple rock and roll style, sound and attitude and will keep on until they feel they cannot preform the best they can.
Hey whos that on the radio?

Aw man, thats ACDC!!
by Scallopotatoes November 9, 2013
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Almanische Christliche Deutsche Christen
by sesomi seeds February 7, 2023
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1. A dance crew that copied the name from an awesome rock band (read 3)
2. Bisexual
3. The best rock band in history. If you go to, and go to ACDC 101, and go to the 70's it says:

With their name taken from the power outlet on the family vacuum cleaner, some wrongly assumed it to be a reference to the bisexuality of the band members, a situation that saw them play a number of gay bars where they won over the patrons with their sheer energy.

That's where they got the name from. Australians game them the nickname Accadacca instead of saying each letter. This is also the only definition this world needs.
1. (person clicks on ACDC Dance Crew video) What the hell this isn't AC/DC

2. Joe: Hey Nick howcome Yesterday Kevin was going out with a girl and now he's going out with a guy? Nick: Because he's AC-DC

3. AC/DC is the best band ever nuff said
by AccadaccaForever July 20, 2009
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the best band in the world besides rory finnegan is the coolest to acde rules
by Rory finnegan November 5, 2003
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no it means after christ death comes!
you idiots.
and they are the best frikin band in the world. (The Academy is.. comes in 2nd place)
my fave song is for those about to rock and you shook me all night long!
ACDC rocks my sox.
they are the best band ever.
lets go see some kick ass acdc.
by Tysh August 12, 2007
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