a complete pimp/stoner who everyone likes and who gets all the girls
That Guy Is Definantly A Jesse..
Oh Man What A Jesse!

by Jesse Cumor November 23, 2006
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Amazing guy, who can make anyone laugh and feel comfortable. Sexy as hell. Anyone who gets to date him should feel privledged.
Man, did you see Jesse earlier? he was looking good.
by awake300 March 15, 2010
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One that all of the ladies secretly look at and want him but never tell him. he is one that is very sweet, and caring, he always knows what to say. known as the good guy when he dates someone they always last long.
Do you know Jesse?

Of coarse sooo nice.... i just want to bang him!
by social expert 07 February 1, 2010
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the best guy in the world, sweetest, AND hottest! gives great turn-ons!
"wow, that guy is such a jesse!"

"he gave me such a jesse last night!"
by jolene(: August 17, 2008
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Jesse is a man who knows what he can do and doesn’t need to try and put himself above others because he already knows where he is going. Instead a Jesse uses his ability to help others but is shy and awkward in social settings so many people believe he really doesn’t know anything because his mind goes blank. Has good looks but awkward with women, makes it harder when they think you sleep with someone every night but in reality don’t. All in all a very talented individual who can and will accomplish anything
Person 1: Yo you heard Jesse got an A!
Person 2: nah that’s impossible I heard he’s retarded man.
by Giftofwisdom March 2, 2020
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Originating from ancient Israel and the Hebrew language, Jesse when directly translated means "God Is", as a statement of God's eternal nature and glory; past, present and future. Bears a similar statement to God referring to Himself as "I Am" in the Bible. Later on, other meanings were attributed as being "Gift", "Wealth" and "Wealthy", but it's true meaning serves as the ultimate expression of God's infinite/eternal nature.

Furthermore, as per Hebrew naming culture and language traditions, the name "Jesse" is an exclusively male name. There is only one proper spelling of "Jesse", and that is without the "i" in it. Many centuries later, the name "Jessica" was created as the female version, however, enough time passed and morons started naming their girls "Jessie" instead of "Jessica", or worse yet, just "Jesse"; thus the abomination was born. Jesse is not and has never been or will be a unisex name, it is 100% masculine going back thousands of years.

The name Jesse is straight out of the Bible; the father of King David. It is a name that exuberates masculinity and godliness.

There are two kinds of Jesse: the Christian Jesse and the godless Jesse, the alpha Jesse and the beta Jesse, the tall Jesse and (heaven forbid) the short Jesse, the true Jesse and the faux Jesse.

If you should stumble across the true Jesse, a tall Christian alpha male, then marry him quick before he's gone forever. Also prone to being a badass and old-fashioned. Tells great stories, too.
The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejected him from being king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil, and go. I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have provided for myself a king among his sons.” 1 Samuel 16:1

"My grandfather was named Jesse, my father was named Jesse, I was named Jesse, and at least one of my sons will be named Jesse; no surprise then that we're all ex-military and handsome men with charm and wit..."

"Yes my name is Jesse, yes I am a lady's man, yes I am wealthy, yes I am Christian, obviously I'm tall, no I'm already taken."

"I was nervous about meeting my new boss, until I learned he's a Jesse! What a relief!"

Jesse: "My dear, will you marry me?"
Jessie: "Yes!!!"
Jesse: "Good girl. Also, you're changing your name to Jessica before we get married."

If your name is not Jesse, then you will never be a true Jesse.

"Bitch I'm flawless!" -- Jesse
by De La Vega November 12, 2017
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The most amazing guy any girl could ever ask for.He's always there when u need him.He has the most gorgeous smile you have ever seen.He always knows how to make u smile even when your day isnt the best.He's the greatest guy there is out there!!
Jesse: The most wonderful guy in this entire world!
by Future Mrs.Fountain August 29, 2008
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