Someone always lookin fly/good/beautiful/cute/gorgeous/etc. no matter when or where they are.
24/7 Model, Seuss, Susanna Moore, Vanilla Fragrance
by VFreezy March 5, 2010
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A Really Ugly Person whose Face Guards his/her Body 24 Hours a Day. Mostly found at Wal-Mart or Bus Stops.
1. Someone that is so Ugly, you have to give the a second look.
"Oh man, that chick is Guarding 24-7"

"That guy is busy Guarding 24-7"
by Don_Mayhem January 22, 2010
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When a girl acts emotional, and has mood swings, all the time. It almost seems like it`s her `time of the month` all the time. In short, a total bitch and a bring-down.
Roger: Hey man, Shirley freaked today for no apparent reason.

Dominic: I know! What a 24/7 Bleeder!
by JABBAJ May 8, 2009
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Mike-"Damn that girl is hot"

Ace-"Dont bother she nothin but a 24-7 Bitch"


Nate-"Yeh...Everybodys been with that hoe"
by Fate... July 7, 2007
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a girl that always checks up on you every day of every night 24/7.
my girl right now always checks up on me like a 24/7 girl.
by DA_SHIT!!! May 28, 2009
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A youtuber that makes videos for fun and hopes to be famous one day
Look, its Dadude 24/7!
by Yee boi 3ds September 4, 2019
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All the dang time. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 366 days a year. Same concept as 24/7/365, but is valid every 4 years. This year you can use this term to call people out for saying 24/7/365, cause thats technically wrong :)
YAY!!!! I love being in quarantine 24/7/366!!!! It's really the best thing ever in the history of all things :) And by the way, to all the people who are saying 24/7/365, you're wrong :)
by Pialinist May 21, 2020
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