When you grab your crotch and move your hand up and down controlling your movements. Your piloting your crotch to the best feeling you will ever have.
I’m going to go crotch pilot here soon. Or hey you can control my crotch tonight, be my crotch pilot
by Crotch pilot September 15, 2018
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A jack-off, A person who greatly desires a wad and steers themselves towards it like a 747 being piloted towards a runway. Also, a person consumed by the trivialities of life, not unlike a chronic masturbator.
"I hate Moose, he's such a fucking wad-pilot for stealing all of my dvds and skipping out on rent"
by cassius$ July 19, 2006
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A term for a pilot who after reaching the mandatory retirement age of 60 would not retire, but instead would move into the Flight Engineer seat, which does not have a mandatory retirement age.
1) My Second Officer was a herpes pilot. Those guys just wont go away.

2) The herpes pilot I'm flying with said he can't retire because he's got 3 ex-wives to pay off.
by UnitedBusDriver January 24, 2017
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A person that likes to fly the anus of another persons , much like a pilot would be in the cockpit, so the poophole pilot flies his penis into the rectum of another person.
Jeff is such a poophole pilot did you see him fuck that asshole
by Poepholl Pilot March 11, 2019
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One who possesses the ability to navigate any conversation toward or directly to the topic of boobs, also known as "parcels of sunshine" (c)2015. Ideally it's accomplished in 3 steps or less.

Especially appreciated during any conversation involving a man. Female boob pilots are basically unicorns.
For example: "my grandfather was a fighter pilot." "my grandfather was in an ad in playboy." "Did you know playboy dropped nudity? I immediately cancelled my subscription." "I did know. But I have my own boobs. And I touch them a lot. So i don't mind." This is a boob pilot.
by Nonamejane November 8, 2015
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A very short skirt; noted as less than 2" below the cockpit
Dave: "Holy crap, Walt! Check out that chick. When she bends over, you can nearly see her ass!!"
Walt: "I'd like to grab the controls and fly that Pilot Dress!!"
by BJ Titzengolph August 4, 2017
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(automobile, cellphone, driver, self-centered), someone who talks on a cellphone, while holding it to the side of their head & driving an automobile.
Beware the Cell Pilot when crossing the street, as they are distracted & may not notice you until it is too late to avoid a collision.
by Darth Johnny December 18, 2010
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