The act of pulling tree stumps out of the ground. Usually with a 4 wheel drive vehicle or a tractor.
Lucky went stumping for trophy woods.
by Harv80 May 7, 2021
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When a person poops into another persons anus.
I stumped Andrew Tregoning and now we are getting married. He loves stumping.
by the Dostine May 29, 2023
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when an amputee sticks their stump into a female vagina or asshole
Charlie: I was stumping this girl so hard last night

Jackson: Yo, babe can I stump you tonight?
Morgan: Of course, I want all 15 inches of your stump
by CHEEF QUEEF November 16, 2017
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The act of hopping from one tree stump to another. Like a trampoline but for people who’s family was too poor to buy a trampoline
Person A: “did you ever have a trampoline growing up?”
Person B: “no, but I did a hell of a lot of stumping
by Snaggletooth24 August 4, 2018
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A bunch of us went camping last weekend and things got really wild when a bunch of stump hags showed up.
by TroyR6 February 12, 2018
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