When you have an engorged and enflamed hog between your thighs that's tender to the touch. Might smell of cottage cheese and butane. Usually caused by multiple nights without a shower and unprotected sex. Enflamation and overencomberence.
Dude I got a bad case of hog rot, don't be mad if I'm slow to get up.
by Hog in the Machine July 18, 2023
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When one friends someone and instead of hitting accept or ignore, they press 'pending' and thus you are stuck in facebook limbo. The person can see updates of you on their news feed & vice versa, on profile picture updates, likes, friends, and posts to current friends. This can also be utilized by people who are bitches and instead of accepting a re-friend after a falling out, they leave the whole situation up in the air- in a creepy way where they can keep tabs on you.
You literally have your friend request left rotting in their inbox.
GUY: So she deleted every one she used to be friends with after that fight we all had- but I sent her a friend request after it all blew over... My mistake
FRIEND: what did she do?
GUY: Dumb bitch left me Inbox Rotting for like weeks!
FRIEND: Creepy, she was probably tracking you all that time!
by Typical... facebook April 28, 2011
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Bum Rot is any form of disease, illness or ailment which originates or directly affects the Anal region at any point of the ailment.

The term was first coined after Freddie Mercury states in the film Bohemian Rhapsody “I’ve got it boys” to which the response from the original coiners of the term responder “The Bum Rot”
Anonymous: “You try shtanding on a production line for 12 hoursh, with fuckin’ shit falling out of yer arse every 30 minutesh”

Anonymous 2: “You’ve got the literal Bum Rot”
by Dave The Anal Invader April 29, 2019
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When a young girl or woman has had sex with numerous boys or
Man don't get with her cause she's rotted-out.
by BROWN, LAB January 15, 2008
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A female who sleeps around and has poor feminine hygiene
She is a
Proper Rot bag she is
by TillyTots September 13, 2020
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extreme expression of disappointment and frustration as in when you forget something important or wreck something.
you forget to pick something important up, and now you have to go back and get it when you don't really have the time so you say:
"Damn rot!!!!!!
I forgot to get the milk for the cereal!"
by d the turk January 28, 2010
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App rot is when a developer builds an app and then abandons it, leaving it to wither away without any future support or updates.
Trainyard by Matt Rix hasn't been updated in almost 3 years. It's beginning to suffer from app rot.
by Klaser February 23, 2014
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