Man, we sure did Bushe that job today.
by Jewbeard! June 15, 2015
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a mixture of bull shit.
put it together...bush.
"did you hear she lost 100 pounds?!"
"thats bushhh!"
by yung bizzle. June 29, 2007
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1. abbreviated term for bush-league.

2. not in accordance with established rules, principles, social norms, or standards; substandard.

3. showing inadequacy by contrast to other norms so as to be viewed by others as uncivilized, uncouth, and unacceptable.

4. consistent with geographically remote and isolated communal pockets of individuals in which perceptions of reality are corrupt and/or personal value systems are perverse/abominable in comparison with civilized culture.
"After losing 250 of an initial 500 dollar deposit due to normal wear and tear, ultimately the tenant could do nothing to appease the landlord's extremely bush attitude on the matter."

"These increasing gas prices are completely bush."

"Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker. And every minute Charlie squats in the bush, he gets stronger. Each time I looked around, the walls moved in a little tighter."

This quote from the movie Apocalypse Now provides an excellent over-arching narrative regarding conventional military inadequacy following WW2. With regard to indigineous combative populations of the third world, (such as that encountered in vietnam by the U.S. during the 1960s), the U.S. was encountering new and completely "bush" methods for the fighting and conducting of war. Yet ironically the real bush-leaguer was the U.S., since the fight was in charlie's backyard, and charlie plays by his own rules.
by Cz hole May 16, 2008
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a son of a bitch, an asshole and a mother fucker, and a suckup to the mideasts oil supply
Bush wasted like $7billion on his own bullshit propaganda
by aq76 June 15, 2008
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1.the buzzkill pooper
quit being such a dumb bush and get up and dance
by comedy225 July 11, 2008
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to lie without shame while creating an elaborate story to cover up the real truth
I lied to my girlfriend when she asked me where I was last night. I told her I was working late and then had a few too many with my friend and stayed over at his house. Basically, I bushed her and got away with it. She believed the whole story.
by 217truth January 21, 2007
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