When youve been in the gaybathrooms3x realism server for so long you start saying phrases such as "I'm gonna be sick", "Woah mama(s)", "Lil brah", And "yea shut up freaking chris from tdi i wanna slap your ankles until you bring me in pull my shank rip my balls out suck my jahh go down on my dahhh stick my zahh out and then eedle on my teedle "
Gaybathrooms3x Realism effect
by ILoveHOmestuckSOmuch March 29, 2023
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When a guy pusses out, whines about everything, or let's his girl change his plans and he's okay with it. This diseases is very dangerous and tnere is no cure yet.
Bro His girlfriend wouldn't let him come snowboard and he's okay with it
Man he must have gotten sick with bitch effect
by Bitch effect 101 January 25, 2016
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when girls call other girls ugly, fat, etc. just because a guy complimented that other girl (i.e. - she's jealous)
GUY: Dude, that Catholic school girl is so hot... all i wanna do is get her in bed

GIRL: No, she's so ugly...


by v8juice December 29, 2009
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Also called the 'Domino'-effect. Originates from the famous historian Lord Pyro the 42nd. He would have one of his frequently-seen periods of rage, and this feeling would stick to others. Happened a lot during wars and outings. He would later assault his team-mates, with only one type of weapon, which has spawned the term "One-item".
A: Great, my character just died. I don't want to play anymore.
B: Careful of The Pyro effect now.
by Sgt.M.Vladimirov December 14, 2010
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The immense fear of hearing the term "Can't relate" over and over again
instead of youtuber apologies going like 'she was gaslighting me!' those mfs go 'i went to the grill effect because of her'😔
by SomeGuy0z October 18, 2022
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When something's really expensive but becomes cheaper later, making the thing really popular.
Person 1: The 3DS just became cheaper!
Person 2: Seems like the 3DS got the PS3 Effect.
by VincentGo! August 22, 2019
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The perpetual feeling that others are at fault for your shortcomings or inconsistencies. When in actuality you are the only one at fault or to blame.
He thought he was fired from his job because of others, but in fact it was just the Lobo effect.
by supercoolsuperflysupahiiii March 13, 2023
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