The act of a quick Hotelroom checkout.
How to us the Kansas city Hotelroom checkout. Take a girl to a hotel make sure she is the one to check in. Make sure they have chairs with arms and legs on them. Tie her to the chair with rope and velcro tiedowns or hand cuffs. You will need a vibrator. Stay a while and us the vibrator. Then with out warning stick it inside her, use her socks, panties or what ever you can find to make sure it stays inside. Call for room servise and ask for clean sheets. Then go to the door wait till she asks you where are you going then just close the door and leave. Then wait outside in the parkinglot to see how she likes the room servise.
by Mrs. hotel April 10, 2008
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When you wake up after a night of heave drinking and other unpleasantries, in the root cellar wearing ruby red slippers
He was sucked to Kansas last night
by 123456769 September 3, 2023
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You defecate on a persons laptop keyboard and slam it shut.
Man fuck Jerry I'm gonna Kansas Waffle Iron his Laptop. Because he's from OHIO!
by Marine007 December 1, 2022
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The sexual act of setting her pubes on fire then shoving it her ass and shouting “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore Toto
Dude last night we did the Kansas city drought and now I think I’m in love
by Allrightythennn January 24, 2023
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When you have sexual intercourse with someone while they are peeing.
Jeff “yo mike! me and candy tried out the Kansas City leafblower last night. It was rad!!!”
Mike “me and Janet need to try that out sometime”
by getbitches420 September 29, 2018
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When you hook one end of a bungee in your asshole and pull it over the top of your head and hook it to the top of your mouth
Dude did you hear that Seth did the Kansas horse bit for his girlfriend he’s a legend
by thewheel6969 July 29, 2019
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An elite member of the unicorn astronauts that travel the universe spreading sparkles and cheer.
look out here comes kansas rainbow
by Kapatin Awesome November 17, 2013
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