boof, also meaning butt fuck, is used commonly in my area as a word showing joy, like w00t

It probably originated from instances like "Damn, that girl is boofable!" moving towards asexual objects, and then losing the -able.
"Dude I got a 95 on my math test" "Booooooooooooof!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!11! I wish I got such a boofable score"
by ongardie October 26, 2004
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word that may be utilized in any situation, to discribe any emotion at any given time.
boooOoOooOoooOOOOOof! ;)
by LeahJamie March 30, 2005
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i person (guy) who just a friend with a female
That jesse is a damn boof
by yaba daba doo August 6, 2007
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A response of agreement that eliminates a very wordy statement that someone doesn't have the capabilities to say at the moment. Derived after an up-all-night coffee bender at Perkins where a friend and I decided to drive around town all morning. I asked him if he minded if we made a stop, and he tried to formulate a response to the effect of "Sure, we can stop a Boyd's Drug Mart to check your P.O. Box, I need to run in and get some things myself, anyway." but it came out as "Ahhh, boof." as he tried to ash his Kit-Kat bar out the window.
guy one: "Mind if I stop at Baken Park?"
guy two: "Ahhh, boof."
by Char H January 8, 2006
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