WTF BOOM is cool.
by I eat swag for breakfast August 26, 2014
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A much better way of saying things like WTF (What the WTF?), BTW (By the BTW), TMI (Too much TMI), or FYI (For Your FYI). Used when someone wants to make an emphatic point, or sound like a moron.
Kate was like, "I don't think we should see one another anymore," so I was like, "What the WTF? By the BTW, For your FYI, I've been seeing someone else, but I guess that's probably Too much TMI."
by holy husky April 21, 2011
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A weekend that includes 2 or more sleepovers, such as Friday-Saturday and Saturday-Sunday. Basically, one does not go home after a sleepover, but stays as a guest at another's house for the night, or goes to a third party's house. It's rather strange and crazier things happen than the normal 2-day events, thusly deserving the "wtf."

It could even take place on days that aren't part of the weekend (Monday-Thursday)
-So you guys will just come to my house and leave Saturday?
-Yep! We can try to make those banana-peppermint pancakes!
-I can't wait for this WTF weekend!
by Melo Melo May 24, 2007
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Something you pull, mentally, when you realize that something that is happening to you, to a friend or some random person is totally crazy
Dude 1: Hey man. You hear about that guy who wanted to date a 18 year old?
Dude 2: No. What about him?
Dude 1: Man is 80 fucking years old.
Dude 2: Damn. Time to pull the WTF alarm on that.
by Randomtwit January 8, 2011
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1: don't be pushin me around like that, ya tosser.
2: wtf mate? i'm not pushin shit.
by International Bad Boy September 8, 2004
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Shorthand for "Why the failure"
My math teacher put "WTF?" on the top of my test in which I drew a cow where the answers were supposed to go.
by Grammar National Socialist December 18, 2009
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