When @shyinkz is having a moment in which he is undergoing a state of denial, disagreeing with the truth, accepting a lie, or spreading false information
Daniel: Hey guys Australia isn't real!
Me: Daniel moment
by Goosey122918498 September 6, 2021
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A brief moment of exaggerated/intense fear or panic.
“Oh hey Molly, did you get home ok?”
*text not delivered*
“Oh no, oh fuck! Is she ok? Was she kidnapped and killed? Oh fuck I need to call the police!”
*text delivered*
“Hey I’m alright, I think you just had a Daniel Moment..”
by May Molly June 11, 2019
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In the 90's a series of Kramer's men's clothing ads were on TV depicting men in a still pose often with a gaze of reflection. The awkwardness of why they were posing like that, seemingly out of the blue became know as a Kramers Moment.

This supersedes the Kramer Moment in relation to the Seinfeld TV Series.
You can preemptively say Kramers moment to get a group of friends to pose like the commercial, or you could find someone already in a pose and ask them if they were having a Kramers moment.
by Wendygal June 14, 2013
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The deep feeling of sadness you get when you think about the demotion of the best Synapse X Helpers, Vaktus. Very sad.
Vaktus: *says something*

Other person: Damn, what a cactus moment :(((
by Hogsbig February 2, 2019
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1. When someone presents a fact with great confidence, but is ultimately wrong. Typically caused by trusting information from dubious sources, or from misunderstanding the original source material

2. A misspelling so bad that it becomes impossible to decipher the intended meaning of the message
Yo, that was a kyle moment
by B33F_ November 1, 2020
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1. n. A moment in which you come up with a brilliant idea that will make you millions of dollars.
2. n. A moment that is worth a lot of money.
1. "Carl, I just had a money moment! Put a doughnut INSIDE the sausage bacon and egg McMuffin. WE WILL MAKE MILLIONS!"
2. "OH MY GOSH I just found a $100 bill on the ground! What a Money Moment!"
by iheartmygoatluna August 12, 2013
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