When a woman is in a very cold environment, it causes her breasts to shrink and compress until the contents of her breasts experience so much pressure that milk violently shoots out of her nipples.
Clarence: Dude yesterday I grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it down my girlfriend's shirt, and it triggered an ice volcano. That shit was so powerful it gave me a black eye.

Harold: Damn bro sorry to hear that.
by KarlPilkington January 2, 2016
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The act of eating a female out and her farting in your mouth and you vomit in her vag and she queefs it onto your face.
I got reverse volcanoed by a girl last night.
by Mamabear0232 March 14, 2023
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when you are fisting someone with diarhea. And you wait for all of the persons feces to build up, before removing your fist, and letting all the shit splurt everywhere.
Friend: Bro why is your shirt brown?

Me: yeah jesica wanted to try doing an Anal volcano.
by PEE POO PEE PEE March 16, 2020
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After eating at Taco Bell for three straight days, Danny experienced a case of anal volcano.
by hoowah Steveo July 1, 2022
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robotrippin dinosaurs want you to sign their petition for volcano awareness, the number one cause of dinosaurs

and gayness
by pkpria June 15, 2009
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First, a man performs anal sex on his partner. After finishing, he must remain in his partner's anus until he is able to urinate. He then urinates into the anal cavity. He then pulls out while his partner clenches the anus, containing the "goodness". The man puts his face in front of his partners anus while his partner expels the contents inside of the anal cavity all over the face of the man.
Last night my girl gave me a New Jersey Volcano.
by Tango47 September 29, 2022
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While your partner is giving you head you break her nose, right before you jizz in her mouth, causing her to bleed. Once you cum in her mouth, tape it and blow pepper in her face, causing her to sneeze the cum through her nose bleed. and there you've got an alaskan volcano.
Karlo: Yo matt! did you give Sam an Alaskan Volcano?

Matt: Yeah but I had to bring her to the emergencies to fix her nose...
Karlo: That sucks
by SWAGMAN78 March 9, 2016
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