Jack I a nice person he has a fat dick and some girl want it but scared and he like her
Jack ur dick big can I have it sure
by Leelea123 November 11, 2018
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Is a cunt
Hi my name is jack and I’m a cunt
by Lolage101 September 27, 2019
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Jack is a dick, and he has a small dick too. Half of his dick is inside his personality.
That kid Jack is an asshole.
by duster69 May 17, 2012
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Slang for money, usually refers to large amounts.
To get a car that nice, this guy had to spend some jack.
by TommyNoleBuc May 4, 2011
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A teen with a large hard pennis, with no condoms
Jack is a savage
by Limbo132 August 19, 2017
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Most annoying person you'll ever meet. Typically short, loves military too much and will use military terms in day-to-day conversations. Loves planes and flight simulator, doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut, trash talks but can't back it up, overall just an annoying idiotic person.
Look at that little guy playing flight simulator, what a Jack.
by Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh February 20, 2016
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Jacks are very hot, but are very flirtatious. If you are dating jack you have to be ready for disappointment. He will love you but flirt with other girls. He has some good friends but can't keep many secrets. Jack is a nice guy
Girl 1: hey is that a jack? He's cute!
Girl 2: ya he is but be careful

Girl 1: why
Girl 2: see him flirting with those girls?
Girl 1: ya, so what?
Girl 2: he has a girlfriend....
Girl 1: ohhhh
by Humphrey12 May 2, 2016
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