Mudguards on a bike for pussy riders.
Look at Tom, it’s drizzling and he is riding his fixie with girly guards.
by Suboobern May 27, 2022
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Like the Navy National Guard except they fuck up drug traffickers and they help the actual navy in times of war
Jack: hey did you hear that matthew joined the coast guard
Jill: yeah i heard he killed 87 mexican drug traffickers and smoked all their crack
by Darth N1h1lus July 10, 2020
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Similar to the Coast Guard, but in outer space. They deal with helping ships and also regulating embargo, immigration, et cetera.
The Astral Guard helped us! We were out of fuel and floating in the desolate vast space.
by SackbotNinja03 November 6, 2021
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The person in the group that is designated to hold the weed whilst the group is moving areas. Usually a dumber person, such as certain jocks or the distant friends.
Brian is so weird, the only reason we keep him around is to be the Joint Guard .
by Evan_Dayhoff March 15, 2018
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cock blocker; one who prevents another from having sexual relations. Also shortened as GR.
Yo man, I was trying to get with Emily but Ben is such a guarding rooster.
by miniricci March 10, 2010
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v. British term employed by aged royals when replacing their soiled Depends undergarments.

I say old chap. Must one stand to attention when watching the changing of the guard?

Only if the Queen or the Princess Royal is involved.
by gnostic3 August 19, 2022
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v. Upper class British term for applying a fresh condom.

I say. Last night at the orgy Andrew yelled that it was time for a changing of the guard. I thought it a wee bit tacky.

The command was tacky, or the condom?
by gnostic3 January 18, 2022
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