The Anunnaki State of the Middle East (ASME / AnunSME), also Anunnaki State of Iraq and the Levant (ASIL / AnunSIL) or Anunnaki State of Iraq and Syria (ASIS / AnunSIS) is the name given to the Anunnaki State, or Anunnakiya. Although the term Anunnaki State of the Middle East is often used in a derogatory and mocking way along with the term Anunnaki ISIS.
The Anunnaki State of Middle East can be seen as the completely name of Anunnakiya in its Middle East part.
by Full Monteirism August 1, 2021
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A school with wholesome teachers, some not so, and students that have no filter, 30% of the populations vapes,30% of the population gets into fights, the other 40% are ejist weird. And they do not have Any shame not the school but the student .
"I started vapeing in 8th grade.."
"I go to S.A.C middle school"
by Middleschoolar October 15, 2022
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A place that is filled with dumb kids who need serious help. Has mostly really short kids that go there and maybe 1 tall person. The teachers suck and when your there it feels like hell. Most kids who go to this school goes nowhere is life.

There are lots of threats to this school because no one likes it there. The food sucks and and so does the bus drivers.
Tyler: Hey when was the last time you went to hell
Jackson: Oh do you mean Warwick Vets memorial middle school

Jordan: Whoever made school should die a slow painful death
Jackson: Yup
Tyler: I hate Vets
by :) dumbass (: January 29, 2022
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The middle school where guys peg each other and then say being gay is weird.

A urinal was stolen and got taken out of the wall.

Plus there are used condoms everywhere
Rachel: I went to crane Middle School

Quinn: eww, that’s gross
by HookerMary June 15, 2022
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Westlake Middle School. A place where no matter what, you’re either a kid who’s completely on the bottom, with messy hair and the same worn outfit, or you’re at the top. You have expensive clothes and as a girl, your hair is straight, brunette or blonde, and you have a hundred or a couple of hundred of likes on instagram.
“Westlake Middle School, a school that exemplifies, that unless you have a good looking face, you’re fucking screwed.”
by billiesmybitch August 19, 2019
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A state of living where despite both of the parents making 6 figure salaries, they are just barely able to afford to live in the one story bungalow of a house because it costs $900,000 for no reason.

Usually when it comes to the family it self:
The daughter is a moody brat
The son is a wannabe gangster

The mom wears way too much makeup

And the dad is an idiot
"You're middle class right?"
"Kind of.... I'm upper middle class.... like, California Middle class you could say"
by Plus-Size albert48 February 23, 2021
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Imagine a dog eating mg horse shit then throwing it up and then a bird eating it and shitting back out. That’s the definition of Grant County middle school. The teachers are rapists, narcissistic assholes. Who do nothing but care for themselves and are only there for money. The water is not filtered, the food is old, and the milk is usually spoiled. This is the definition of hell in a school.
Person number one: wanna experience hell?
Person number two: I already go to Grant county middle school.
by Iheartdads>>>> July 22, 2022
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