when you are too shy to use bathroom/toilets that aren't your own.
P1: I really have to use the toilet.
P2: Just go here!
P1: I can't i'm booty shy!
by charms15 February 28, 2016
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When you love going out, making friends, talking to new people but you’re shy and always wait to be approached or you don’t speak in big groups
Jack: hey Simone what would you say personality is?
Simone: I think I’m a shy extrovert

Jack: cool!
by Simcarddd April 7, 2023
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LastNght Shy is a R&B singer from Charlotte, NC. He is very sexy, super charming, and doesn’t speak much. He’s a Gemini that’ll cut your head off. LastNght Shy is awesome.
by girlslovegirls69 November 23, 2021
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noun: a GTA5 chick, who is so shy, she wont even say any word, at all. she could say NOT even a SINGLE word, to the public looster.
When i was at the playground when i was 14, i saw that shy furry not even responding a SINGLE sentence. how antiwitty
by xX 44100 Xx October 14, 2021
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a piece of faeces which escapes the rectum then re-enters

a shy worm can be likened to a turtle head
by ALLTIMELOW69 December 10, 2013
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To be afraid of sharing your music interests with other people.
Emma: "Hey do you know what kind of music Jon listens to?"
David: "Yeah, but he doesn't like to tell people because he's music shy."
by diizy July 4, 2020
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When you are to shy to pull up next to the car beside you.
I want to see the dog in that car but the guy is to car-shy for me to see in.
by Dark nuts January 20, 2015
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