The term given to the Sydney Roosters when they cannot win a game.
Did the Roosters win on Friday night?
Who? Oh you mean the Loosters.
by Semi One July 2, 2011
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A 14 year old Youtuber from British land. Posts gaming videos everyday. He probably won’t get 1,000 subscribers but hopefully. He makes videos with gay people and nice people. Make sure to subscribe to him
Yo guys, what’s going on, welcome back to another video! Today we will be playing Fortnite with Aiden!

Aiden: your so trosh Louis

Looster Booster: (silently laughs but is actually sad inside)
by Cardboard_Eggs June 9, 2019
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The opposite of Looster Booster. The channel has the same name but switched around. Run by Johnny Saiden aka DaMightyBoss. He’s most famous for posting the video “Cue Aidens Hairline”, which was sadly taken down. Sub to Booster Looster
Joe: Hey have you watched the video cue Aidens hairline?
Mama: No. Who made it?
Joe: This channel called Booster Looster. You should sub to him.
Mama: Aight
by Cardboard_Eggs November 6, 2019
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Looster is a nick name for someone called Lewis. Often spelt, Lusta, Loostar, Looster da rooster or the toilet emoji followed by the star emoji. If you have a friend named Lewis (lucky you btw) then call him Looster.
Lewis: Hey bob, or should I say bobby the wobby
Bob: Hey Lewis, or should I say Looster da Rooster
Lewis: :0
by Definatley not called Looster December 30, 2019
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