The secret to summon a dumbass Masterchill
Random Person: bot commands
Masterchill: no bot commands here
by cxlinee⁷ June 7, 2022
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bot commands useless piece of chat. Seriously, who uses that novadays? It's so stupid and it's doesn't even exist!
Only pussies using it for bot commands. We have cool #tabs and #general for that. Pffft.
Yato: bot commands
Literally everyone: NO SHUT UP WE WON'T!!1!
by Terren October 17, 2019
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Commander Pinktaurious is the highest authority of the Nebulan Dominium. He is also known as "gorncommander" He has a popular channel on Youtube.

Pinktaurious is the interstellar Fleet Commander and Supreme Overlord from the Nebulan System speaks to the inferior people of the planet Earth and warns them of their imminent doom!

There is only one Commander Pinktaurious, although there are others to replace it should the leader succumb to destruction. Typically, their potential replacements are called NL-5-series Nebulans, and are typically the politicians or viceroys of the Nebulan Dominium.

• Commander Pinktaurious has three brains, all capable of independent or collective, unified thought. In addition, the sitting Commander Pinktaurious can seek telepathic advice from the preserved brains of its predecessors, maintained in the "thought archives." All previous, Leaders who were killed in action and whose bodies could not be recovered were not represented in these archives.

• Commander Pinktaurious is also programmed, each one an improvement on the previous generation.

The Nebulans believe that Pinktaurious fashioned all mankind and humanity,

To reiterate: Commander Pinktaurious is the ruler of the Nebulans . Commander Pinktaurious’s body is built to resemble the alien race that was originally the Nebulan, but is not organic in any way. Commander Pinktaurious is stated to have three brains, each one capable of individual or unified thought, making him an incredibly adept strategists and leader.
If Commander Pinktaurious dies, a new one is chosen from suitable NL-5-Series Nebulan.
commandergornCommander Pinktaurious
by gorncommander May 21, 2009
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A person who lacks vision, underestimates opponent and over estimates his/her capabilities.
A person who has an inflated ego and believes he/she is the ruler of all.
Vlad: That dude just weighs 180 pounds, I can easily take him down, I was once a fighter.
Ben: Don't be a Russian Commander, you were a fighter in 1980's now you are a fragile old man.
by johnny__johnny March 3, 2022
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when you try to get right with that REALLY pretty girl in class, but your penis pays you a visit. comes from the show “Wander Over Yonder”.
“I just wanna say, you’re really pretty.”
*you look down*
“Oh, goddamnit! Commander Peepers is at it again!”
by Muffinbuzzard June 14, 2024
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1. be gay do crime
2. sweater weather
3. they look so pretty it hurts
4. dreamnotfound
5. yeah i’ve met jared (of course i’ve met jared!)
6. 66
6. clear phone case
6. cuffed jeans
9. elsa

10. cottage in the woods
by February 5, 2021
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Yeah you can totally do that in Blue Command!

Let's use Blue Command to do that faster

I'm gonna blue command the fuck out of this to save time
by Psychodata December 7, 2019
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