hell is a place the bad peaple go, and its whare i too hope some day to go, because they play rock music, goths are welcome, and you can watch the devil shove a pinapple up hitlers ass every day at 4:00
"i cant whait to die, even though ill go to hell"
by evil girl August 8, 2007
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the place where you go if your a lawyer, contracter, george bush, a politician, george bush, george bush, or a politician.
O schnap!!! Im george dubua bush! Im goin to hell!
by the one whos not you November 14, 2006
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the german word for dark
so.. dark is hell, then hell mst be dark
me: Hell is german for dark
dmbass: So, the german hell is dark!
me: *bitch slaps that motherfucker*
by NO March 30, 2005
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the state of being under 21 and unable to purchase alcohol in the U.S.
God I went through hell tonight to score some Vodka.
by kate November 22, 2004
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is so funny. some of the things clasify as hell are acceptable meanings, but those who try to describe it? "little men in red horned pyjamas sticking pitchforks in your ass" hah! maybe you people should wake up to real world, yes? fuckin' psychos!! hell exists. i've seen it. satan? he's a dickhead. he doesn't rule hell. or at least, not the one you people think you know...
hell is such a pretty place, although they could really do with some renovations. such a happy place, where the "demons" inhabiting it are beyond quite a few horror movies, although unlike most, they aren't entirely mindless beasts. its more like an alternate universe to this one. yeh, that about sums it up. and its preferable, because the "demons" and all that are my kind of people. we get along pretty good. and human souls? they dont go there, its more like they're reborn into this world, in which they can rise out of, to glory and god's grace and all that sappy bs. ugh. revolting. but, if they are destroyed in "hell", then they pass from all existance. believe me!
by now you're asking yourselves: if i like "hell" so much, then why am i here? mainly because i'm on holiday... okay, i'm lying. i pissed off one of the major deities whos got friends in high places, so to speak, and i was sent to endure an entire mortal lifespan (the traditional holiday length), on this chunk of space-dust. it might not have been so bad had they sort of accidentally-on-purpose put me in such a dead-end life. i'm rambling again, aren't i?
crazy guy: go to hell and burn!

me: been there, done that...
by 'nuff said April 30, 2004
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A slang term used to replace the word "Fuck" in order to sound less aggressive or pissed off. Also slang for "no thanks" or a way of casually saying "no."
-Dude: Hey man, you gonna go bang that grenade?
-Friend: Hell that bro!
by T. Ampon January 13, 2011
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