Something that meets bruh moment criteria by being unusual or small brain but only partially
Why does this cat follow me? It's such a part time bruh moment
by Akhult1 October 28, 2020
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1. That moment when a group of friends in a social setting all stop talking to one another because they're all checking their social media.

2. That moment when you fall out of a conversation with friends and start checking your phone and scrolling and scrolling. No, he didn't write you back yet!
1. "Look at that table! They're all just sitting there on their phones not talking. Are they even friends?"

"Sure, they're just having a social moment."

2. "......... Hey, Jess! I'm talking to you!"

"Huh? Sorry, I was having a social moment."
by Tmacanndra September 13, 2017
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A moment of pure stupidity, either through something said or the dumbest action possible.
You're having a Zhalo Moment right now.
by wallsfalldown September 28, 2023
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An event which seems unbelievably contrived - so much so that when it happens to you, you begin to suspect that you are not a real person, but a character in a celestial sitcom.
(from a Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour episode, ca. 1956) You are in Las Vegas and you and the Mertzes want to go on a uranium hunting expedition in the desert, and children are not allowed. You then discover that a couple you know from New York is staying in the same hotel with their child. Little Ricky then goes to Hoover Dam with the other couple and their child, freeing you to hunt for uranium. The "Truman Show moment" occurs when you discover that the other couple is at your hotel.
by ddstarr April 3, 2012
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when ryan woo is being gay its a ryan woo moment
ryan woo is being gay its a ryan woo moment
by ryan woo May 13, 2022
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A moment when Tiger Woods (American Professional golfer) is destroying everyone in the field. As soon as he hits the ball everyone single fan goes nuts and they go even more nuts when he puts it in the hole every time. And the celebration is iconic. He tiptoes back slowly when he knows its going to go in, he raises his right arm back and when it goes in he "fist pumps" as shown in the gif. Also, another key feature is the fish lips yelling "LET'S GOOOOO!" or whatever he yells.
Remember that fist pump and the fish lips? When everyone in the galleries went nuts as soon as he hit the ball in the hole? Now THAT was a Tiger Woods moment!
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