Moving through a series of pleasurable but meaningless activities, usually in avoidance of a task or a difficult feeling.
“The whole day I was switching between TikTok, fast food, video games and masturbation. I spent every waking hour dopamine-cycling.”
by Doughbird March 1, 2023
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Having a fancy over a particular snack for a certain period of time; when your boredom of that previous snack takes over; you begin to choose another particular different snack for a certain period of time and so forth in a cycle...
The food cycle occurred within me and now I have kitkats
by food whore January 28, 2021
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I was cycling so hard today man uhh ahhh I can't move
by aaitjnriwk May 22, 2023
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Adjective: the time during a steroid cycle when the user has the highest doses and typically the highest measurable testosterone levels. This is usally when the greatest growth occurs, and also the peak in athletic performance capability.
Render nems: Dude look at that mass monster, he must be at peak cylce look how massive her glutes are.

Hader nems: naw dawg, look at them koala doggies over there, now thats peak cycle. Theyre hitting Koala bombs left and right.
by ballplayer182 March 12, 2022
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The loop that an addict gets stuck in when they are trying to get sober but they keep relapsing.

The stages usually involve the following: going to rehab, maintaining a (short) period of sobriety, beginning to use again, total relapse, and finally returning to rehab, which then restarts the loop. The loop will keep repeating until the addict either stops going back to rehab (sometimes due to being unable to afford it or being incarcerated), maintains a reasonable level of sobriety, or dies.
Guy #1: "Oh shit! He's back in rehab? Isn't that like his third time this year?"
Guy #2: "Yeah, the poor bastard is stuck in a rehab cycle"
by Rumforyourmoney September 25, 2023
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The new politically correct way of saying it. Far more inclusive than the old way.
They/them 1: I cant wait for this themstrural cycle to run it's course

They/them 2: what?

They/them 1: oh it's the pc way of saying menstrual cycle.

They/them 2: but you were born a guy.
by February 27, 2023
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The new politically correct way of referring to the old version which was menstrual cycle. Now it's inclusive.
They/them 1: Wow I'm having a rough go on my themstrural cycle.

They/them 2: your what?

They/them 1: oh it's the pc way of calling it.

They/them 2: but you were born a guy.
by February 27, 2023
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