v. Flinging heavy granite stones about while solidly drunk.

Four more beer and I am going to put a bonspiel on my head and do me some Red Deer curling.
by gnostic3 January 29, 2019
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Literally the worst public school you can attend. People's nudes get exposed too often because the boys think they're cool if they get them so they spread them around. There's a lot of fights but literally no one there knows how to fight so they're all shitty. Everyone vapes in the bathrooms and the administration probably has no idea. The majority of people here are wanna be hood. No one speaks proper english. The school is shitty, the majority of students are failing because everyone is stupid because of how bad the school system is.
You go to Deer Park High School?

Yeah I do.
No way! Everyone there is fake hood and all the girls are sluts.
by maslol September 22, 2021
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A place where a deer runs in front of you while driving, sometimes resulting in an inevitable collision
A male buck ran in front of me on a deer street. I stopped before hitting it, but I got rear ended by the car behind me
by Hurricane Dorian April 8, 2023
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A rare occurrence in the natural world where so many deer are stampeding across the edge of one's line of sight that it appears as though the horizon is comprised of deer. Occurs approximately once in every 703.223 years.
by Super Apple September 29, 2009
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The term deer hoof is another slang that is meant to be used in the scenario that a woman’s pants are being consumed by her colossal pussy lips, original term globally known as a camel toe, but lets spice shit up a bit eh?
Kyle: Beckys ass compliments those pants so well holy fuck dude!
Cletus: You right but shit bruh she got so much ass some had to migrate to the front, look at her fucking deer hoof! That shits historical!!!
by XxvbuckmethodsXx January 21, 2021
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Is when you try to stand up after having great sex and your legs are wobbly and weak
Man i fucked her so good she was baby deered for a couple hours after
by Bobbym209 May 13, 2021
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Debbie deer is when two teens are fucking and the parents walk in and the teens look like a deer in the headlights
When liza saw her dad looking at her she debbie deered and stopped fucking
by felix109 June 14, 2015
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