You see no one actually knows what it means it left me and my friend (hi madi) talking about it for two hours straight funny as fuck and this was found on a Wattpad fanfic
Lollipop me daddy
by Uh_hi July 25, 2017
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Crack lollipops are lollipops that obtain crack inside of them. They make you bleed eternally.
by Cracklollipops November 8, 2019
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A very intense wedgie in which the victim is given an atomic wedgie. But instead of stopping at the face, it goes down through the legs and back up into an atomic again. Now do that last part 2 more times. Viola, a triple lollipop.
Dude did you see that guy get a triple lollipop yesterday? Shit was gnarly.
by Wedgie_expert101 August 22, 2022
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A process of sticking a finger in someone's anus and swirling it around with a mixture of feces and hair to make a poop lollipop.
Bob: Man I could eat a whole horse
Michael: How about I give you an Egyptian Lollipop?
Bob: What's that? Is that like a nasty dirty lollipop?
Michael: No its a delicious treat! I make it for my kids all the time :)
by toboUD October 20, 2023
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When 2 men have oral sex. One guy is sucking the left nut and a lollipop at the same time. Then, the other guy takes the lollipop and starts sucking on that
Hey man! I just got a brand new lollipop from the store, come over!
by DarkThunder69 December 11, 2021
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