The direct opposite of a slow burn: when a piece of media has romance that happens so quickly it's jarring.
I knew that Wattpad book was a flash freeze when the two characters started making out in chapter 1. I should get off that app
by FyterX July 27, 2023
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When you cold on the inside, but hot on the outside do to fever or other illness.
The worst part about having the flu is being freezing hot because I can't make up my mind between the heater or the air conditioner
by LaurdaT January 18, 2015
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something parker blessing will not stop saying
that’s a freezing cold take
by Slothman2246 February 7, 2023
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it is when a girl stops to pick something up so you snap a pic and then ram your dick inside your computer and jizz into it until your screen dies
i just screen freezed the shit of your computer
by PegaASUS December 10, 2019
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No just stop right therre! That was lame just don't talk anymore Fool
Man freeze that son!
by thaimishoe October 17, 2003
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The act of ejaculating into your own hand ,while being intimate with a woman, and putting it in front of the air conditioner to cool it down then throw it at her face.
Alech, Ryan and Josh talked about how they gave their wives the Freezing Spray last night and how much the wives enjoyed the cooking sensation.
by Onlefor May 29, 2023
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Just a silly way of saying or writing "Free speech." Try it. Phonetically it sounds the same. That's right isn't it? "Phonetically?" I'm using it right there aren't I? Hmmm... Probably... If not, I'm almost using it right... Right adjacent at least... Possibly completely wrong... No, it's fine. I'll just change the rule. From now on, the word "phonetically" is used like that ☝️ You see it? THAT ☝️ is both allowed and correct. AND SO IT SHALL BE!!!
Stein Ericwine "They're gaming freeze peach! I mean, obviously I'M doing it right and should be allowed to freeze as many peaches as I want but THEM!? THEY'RE CHEATING!"

Hym "You're literally just invoking 'hate speech' there. Like... Gaming freeze peach and 'Hate Speech' are the same thing."
by Hym Iam November 8, 2023
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