have so much money that one can give some to somebody on demand at once. The possessive adjective may be one's, her, my, our or their as the case may be.
He is so rich that he can shake money off his trousers.
by uttam maharjan March 30, 2010
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A soft penis inside your trousers. A penis at rest.
At work he keeps his trouser gerbil in his pants.

This women is not hot enough to awaken his trouser gerbil.
by Ollie431 October 14, 2020
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To lose your trouser confidence is when you fart but you are scared it will turn into something wet and far much worse
I had a madrass, 5 pints of guiness and half a dozen whiskeys last night. My trouser confidence is not high
by Heatsipop January 21, 2018
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possibly after product of Pocket Billiards or Premature Ejaculation - the 'batter' that a man finds covers his sausage
"after dry-humping that bookshelf, I had major trouser batter"
by John McFloss September 30, 2006
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The wearing of very thin, see-through leggings as trousers thereby allowing the world to see your underwear
She was wearing Swindon Trousers, I could see her underwear
by gorbachev24 June 5, 2014
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