When having sex (or making out) the two tap rule is a non-verbal way of communicating you are not comfortable with/don't like something your partner is doing. The two taps will let the partner know to stop, and go back to something you like.
Using the two tap rule- If you're partner puts their hands somewhere unwanted tap them twice on the shoulder so they know to move them.
by Nineteen Percent December 19, 2017
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Party Blowjob Rule. If somebody is nice enough to throw an awesome party. One of the girls there should blow him out of gratitude.
Girl 1: Why'd u get with eric last night u dont even like him?
Girl 2: Had to, he threw a kickass party, PB&J rule
by Alazymudmixture July 15, 2009
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Rule 143 states that nobody can track what you do in incognito mode, not even the FBI
Guy 1: I totally fapped to some people doing the Alabama hot pocket on the family computer last night
Guy 2:Can’t your family see that
Guy 1:Rule 143 man
by Fatf*cknWalrus69 October 3, 2017
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The Rodney Rule states that when estimating something as a group if there is a tie the higher estimate wins.
Sally and John say the work will take 3 days, but Scott and Jason say it will take 5. Based on the Rodney Rule, the estimate is 5 days.
by Angst Wu June 13, 2022
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The First Rule Of IT is turn off and then turn on again
The second rule is to plug it out of the power sourcce for 8 seconds and then plug it back
The third rule is to never doubt the indian technician guy
Example 1 :
when everything goes wrong with your computer remember the first rule of IT
Example 2 :

when in doubt power off and restart
Example 3 : actually a reference from the series AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D Season 5 Episode 2
when jemma a lead scientist tries to avoid getting hit by an enourmess astroid she talks about the first rule of IT and puts it in a good use by powering off and powering on the space ship
by SOMBRA ON STEROIDS June 6, 2018
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No madder what you say love does die if you say otherwise we would live forever
Rule: -2057
by Singleminded dimensions May 10, 2021
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A saying inventended by Charles Helbert in the late 1900's, the rule is "If something's brown it might not taste good."
Person A: "You shouldn't eat that"
Person B: "Why so my friend?"
Person A: "Helberts rule"
by Jreevk February 25, 2015
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