Being in the state of having pushed all of one's locally committed software code into the central upstream repository.
Curt: I just finished the feature. Rob: Are you git-pushed? Curt: yep.
by calwords2020 May 12, 2020
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As in get ready, also know as gat ready with a weapon
Git ready cause here he comess
by June 4, 2018
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Another term for the musical instrument guitar. Coined when Jimmy Page played his guitar with a violin bow.
Don't forget your git-fiddle for practice.
by Josh Habberdasher February 14, 2017
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(pronounced with a hard G)
An person who has a highly irritating effect on others, usually because of the fidgety way they move, but in extreme cases their presence alone causes discomfort.
I couldn't concentrate because that git-rabbit dave was there.

I'm going to go sit with them and be a real git-rabbit.

Go away, don't be such a git-rabbit.
by joops February 23, 2008
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The alternative to get some, in other words. OWNED.
1: <Player1 collaterals two people with one sniper bullet in one shot> Player1: WUT GIT SON!

2: Man1 walks up to Man2, and kicks him with uneccessary force straight in his nuts, he then proceeds to yell: "WUT GIT SON, GET BENT (see get bent)."
by x DBH x GravCat March 29, 2010
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