We are going to try 90s Trivia Night again due to low attendance the last time (and now with more advance notice)! Feel free to bring a tea (or whatever beverage) and a snack. It should be a relaxing discussion of 90s fads and music.
by CodePink1969 March 18, 2021
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Cock thirsty; one who craves cock.
Look at all these thirsty Trump supporters. Slurp, slurp, slurp!
by DeadPrez11 June 4, 2019
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can you guys not talk about sex the original meaning is that you need M O I S T
meme man: i em thirsty i nId to drincc so i kud M O I S T E N
by mrqwerty112358 August 25, 2021
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depiction of when someone is horny and shows it
Since I posted that bikini picture, many dudes are following me. They seem to be pretty thirsty.
by mmwin August 27, 2020
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When you have too low cannibinoid activity in your brain...
She's so thirsty she puts on used lipstick 💄ew
by BethNie November 27, 2021
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A woman who takes pictures of herself in a provocative, or outwardly slutty manner. Often times they'll post them to social media containing multiple hashtags looking for attention. More times than not, these women are named Cristabel.
Did you see that females half naked picture, she's thirsty!
by Stina2004 February 21, 2016
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Thirsty, literally, means hungry for an edible liquid such as water or juice.
However, the slang term "thirsty" refers to lust.
P1: Dang she looks hot af
Girl: Lol, thirsty ass
by Sapphire_WasTaken October 27, 2022
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