The feeling you get after a night of raging and drinking too much including but not limited to nausea, headaches, general discomfort, guilt, shame.
"I am not feeling so hot today." "Oh...are you actually sick...or do you have situational sickness?"
by grayson_1895 October 19, 2013
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A less-than-peaceable status caused by someone's quoting one or more seemingly-favorable-to-himself passages from Da Good Book dat are not actually written in there.
In da Red Green Show, Mike Hamar mentions about how one of his dads advised him to "do unto others before they do unto you" --- "He said that's in the Bible." Red Green sarcastically opines dat said statement is merely an example of an "addverse situation", in dat it would certainly not be in da "King James version, but maybe the JESSE James version!"
by QuacksO May 12, 2022
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Or R.T.S.
It's lazyness applied to problems.
When there is something that you could solve very easily, by a simple action, but you simply don't.
The problem usually becomes very complicated, and it may loose the state of things where it is solved by a simple action, ending in havoc.
Procrastinators are very good at creating such a situations.
-Ey... Why don't you just throw that tofu away? It's been a week already, and this place seriously stinks
-You are right, I should.
-This is literally a R.T.S.

-Say, dude, why don't you tell Laura it's over? she is falling for you, and you don't care about her. Plus you are already into Amanda.
-You are right, I should. But I don't wanna hurt Laura.
-You will, eventually... god this is so a Rotting Tofu Situation.
by Martobe March 2, 2010
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when you bet on somethings outcome after its already happened, particularly saying you bet $12 that the outcome is strange or chaotically neutral.
I can't believe she tripped over her own baseball bat. What a $12 situation
by lollygagger38 September 3, 2022
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A situation or other event in which only the outcome matters
The Superbowl is a Yoda situation
by thereisnotry May 25, 2020
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