Somewhat similar to the game 'Soggy Biscuit', but for women. Starting at a predetermined time, a group of women will menstruate as soon as possible. When a woman has finished her period, she places the used, bloody tampon into a bucket or other storage system. The last woman in the group to have her period must then eat all the used tampons of the other women in the group.
Woman: I have terrible stomach cramps due to my period. On the plus side, at least I won't lose THIS game of ruby lollipops, last time I had to eat 7 of the fuckers.
by Barry Stevington January 1, 2011
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A sex act typically down way south, where you do your sister in the ass. When you pull out your mom licks your Dick clean.
We had family fun night last night. We performed sex act on my sister called the Louisiana lollipop. Dad said my brother was next.
by The professor 827 December 28, 2022
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When you get a piece of shit stuck in your ass hairs and another person sucks on it like a lollipop
Nathaniel had his lollipop surprise taken care of by Cameron as Sean, Jonathan, Ethan and Simon watch.
by PrayerHub May 29, 2021
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When a girl is on her period and you insert your foot into her vagina and forcefully rip it out make a loud popping sound, and leaving your toes red.
Yo dude, last night I performed the Red Toed Lollipop on my GF.
by Mr. Horror November 16, 2016
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Stole my lollipop is the latest word for drug addicts. It describes drug addicts can steal anything, including childrenslollipops for exchange of money.
“Mom, the man stole my lollipop

“Be quite, I just want to use it to buy some cracks; I know you are a good boy, understand my situation; and I promise you, you will get some cracks when I get back”
by Steal my stuff August 29, 2009
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When your girlfriend is on her period and you stick the tip of your dick in her vagina and pull it out and let her suck on it like a lollipop.
“Hey dude what did you do last night.”
“Nothing just gave my girl a cherry lollipop
by Cloutbursts March 10, 2018
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