a term used to describe the making of a sandwich... generally used for lunch
Kid: Mom make me a meep sandwich or I'm gonna punch your fucking eye out of your socket

Mom: You can shove that meep right up your ass if you continue to talk to me like that

Kid: I don't care I hate you and that husband meep of yours

Mom: This sounds like a good time to tell you that you were adopted
by gruening83 November 8, 2018
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A Taunting sound made by the Road-Runner to Wile E. Coyote in cartoons. The Road-Runner appeared in 1952.
The wide eyes road-runner looks at Will E. Coyote, says "meep-meep" and speeds off down the road.
by CADreamin December 19, 2020
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Meep citiful means your meep citious, which was created my a “imaginary” girl on the playground. she inspired many including Anna, Anna Maria, JJ, McKenzie, Milly, and Katie
The girl was being so meep citiful
by meep city girl August 20, 2022
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