Why did we choose Elite Techno Groups?
Elite Techno Groups emphasize the intellectual development of students by providing them with a practical mode of learning and thereby channeling their technical knowledge towards innovative real-world application.

"Endless Possibilities with Elite Techno Groups"
by Elite Techno Groups November 25, 2021
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A state of tension brought about by performing a technical task for someone who is impatient.
I hate doing computer stuff in his presence - he brings way too much techno-urgency.
Do it yourself! You bring way too much techno-urgency.
Would you back off? Your techno-urgency is unbearable.
by wally9800 December 11, 2020
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The event where a piece of hardware or software limits functionality based on race. Sometimes due to primitive technology or developer oversight.
1. My black friend can't play Eye Toy Play on the Playstation 2 due to his dark skin not being detected by the camera. This game is techno-racism at its finest.
by superllama May 13, 2014
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Having reached a boiling point where one is totally pissed off by technology...Usually occurs when loading new software or hardware...
I was trying to hookup my new cd burner but my computer wouldn't read the software..."I am so Techno PO'd right now, i wannna toss my laptop thru the frikin window!!!"
by MJConser June 5, 2007
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This is when a non-technical person gets intellectually "clubbed to death" by technical terms or geeks in meetings, making the person feel stupid or inadequate because it's not their area of expertise or interest. The techno-clubber ALWAYS talks at warp speed and is very impatient.
"Oh you know, it's when the whatzit links to the browser and then we click here and here and here and then you save it in this format and copy it to the other thing. It's easy."

"I felt techno-clubbed by that IT guy back there."
by Old but Not Stupid October 1, 2013
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One who has the technical ability and understanding on the level of an Amish person who has never had electricity.
I asked Joe how this meter worked and he replied "I'm completely Techno-Amish and have no idea"!
by Zoltar85 January 22, 2016
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It is a person who doesn't have modern and up to date technical equipment used for social media and communication.
Someone who uses older technical things to communicate with other people., example not having face time or using letters instead of email thus being a Techno Pleb
by Gadget Boy September 9, 2013
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