During the sexual act of anal, the male hits climax and ejaculates into the females rectum. Later on, the female will the defecait creating what is known as a oreo smoothie Yummy
Jenny just made me an oreo smoothie, I can't believe how delicious it is!
by Sack of Wine January 26, 2016
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When you eat food then regurgitate it so a 2nd person can get a smoothie.
I can't afford a blender, so I made my girlfriend a Kentucky smoothie.
by Sideways23 September 29, 2021
A freshly shaved or waxed vagina.
"Sheila is getting waxed today. Can't wait to dive into her smoothy tonight."
by Krylian August 31, 2023
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Detox smoothie is any drink claiming to clean your system, not backed up by science.
Synonim: magic potion
I just had a detox smoothie.
by Fnt101 June 22, 2023
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When you cum in a mixed drink and serve it to your significant other
I gave my home boy’s wife a chunky smoothie the other day but he accidentally drank it.
by Sk8ter1800 February 19, 2020
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