A human of the male gender who has the decency to not catcall women.
A real man would fight with his hips, not with his fists.
by carryingthebanner October 23, 2017
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'The Man’ is not an abstract concept but a representation of a very real social structure created by generations past. This structure was created in order to keep people in check, and it works to ensure power (money) stays at the top by keeping the people at the bottom segregated, isolated and fighting one another.

Ultimately, ‘The Man’ serves to give word to a concept or entity that we cannot observe, but feel the effects of in our day to day lives. It is a manifestation of the intuitive understanding of the structures that keep us down.

The Man is typically blamed when injustice is so apparent it borders on the absurd. It is no surprise that the downtrodden often damn The Man or resort to dejected (and cynical) resignation of it. It is akin to "It is what it is".
I got arrested for driving without car insurance, even though I had it! The judge threw out the charge, but I had to pay the impound and court fees anyway! I cant afford a lawyer to fight this...
Just another example of The Man keeping me down!
by Circus_snatch May 15, 2018
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1) A political figure/owner of a business who is often "tryin' to keep you DOWN"

2) A guy who sells you drugs.

3) Someone who is truly awesome. Can be used for males or females.
1) The man keeps tryin' to bring me down! Let's protest!

2) I'm going off to the alleyway to get some "stuff" from the man.

3) Wow! You're the man! / Wow! He's the man! / Wow! She's the man! / Wow! That's the man!
by josianne May 31, 2006
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A man who is sexually desirable to gay and bisexual men. He's usually gay or bisexual himself.
Person 1: Nick is daiting another catboy.
Person 2: I know. He's a real man's man if ya know what I mean.
by Antwan Brown November 25, 2020
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An extremely hormonal crazed, psychotic human of the male specamin, who spends his free time lounging on the couch and treating perfectly wonderful girls like shit.
Girl 1: Wow, Kevin sure is cute!

Girl 2: No way, girl. He may be cute, but Kevin is a man.

Girl 1: Oh, God! (Gasps and regrets ever liking Kevin in the first place.) Never mind!
by crazymichaela February 25, 2010
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The one person you can go to when having a bad day. My go-to. He can make you mad, sad, happy and crazy all in a split second. Very caring and loving. Beautiful eyes and lips. Every time I see him I forget and get lost in time. Big ego. Crazy clown 🤡 loves balloons. One of my top favorite nerds. Look forward to hearing from him every day. Not a basic bitch. Very smart with a sexy vocabulary. Make a dream come true to a lucky woman one day. You think he could rope the moon and sell you the stars. Lucky to be blessed with a friend for life like this.
Man Man
by #oneoftheguys#notyouraverage December 27, 2018
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The person who is right 99% of the time when arguing with a woman.
Woman: I am NOT being emotional. I'm telling you we are headed south.

Man: The sun is setting, and we are driving towards it. West. I'm a man, listen to me.
by T Macalicious September 27, 2012
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