1 definition by Circus_snatch

'The Man’ is not an abstract concept but a representation of a very real social structure created by generations past. This structure was created in order to keep people in check, and it works to ensure power (money) stays at the top by keeping the people at the bottom segregated, isolated and fighting one another.

Ultimately, ‘The Man’ serves to give word to a concept or entity that we cannot observe, but feel the effects of in our day to day lives. It is a manifestation of the intuitive understanding of the structures that keep us down.

The Man is typically blamed when injustice is so apparent it borders on the absurd. It is no surprise that the downtrodden often damn The Man or resort to dejected (and cynical) resignation of it. It is akin to "It is what it is".
I got arrested for driving without car insurance, even though I had it! The judge threw out the charge, but I had to pay the impound and court fees anyway! I cant afford a lawyer to fight this...
Just another example of The Man keeping me down!
by Circus_snatch May 15, 2018
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