Gecky humour/humour is a term used to describe sudden and/or unrelated jokes revolving around; sex, guns, drugs, alcohol, weed, rape, abuse, etc.

The term originated from Cohen's Fan Lounge (a discord server). It is often used by fans of TT (Tiny Tots), and ex-fans of CCU (Cohen Cinematic Universe).
Person 1: Hi
Person 2: NIG-
Person 1: gecky humor.
by CBeanss October 13, 2020
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Lundune uses the term to loosely describe the effect of having an interactive stand up style comedy routine.
You are pretty funny, to bad you need humor coitus to do it. Also you are a stud muffin.
by CogitoProxy June 28, 2014
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The act of putting major adult innuendos and adult humor in a children’s show to the point where children growing up knowing more than just only stereotypical kiddie stuff.

Shows like the American animated TV series, Spongebob Squarepants, have this kind of humor.
The early humor effect is so amazing I wish all modern shows today had it than just gross fart jokes and potty humor which isn’t really funny.
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 12, 2018
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Penis-centered inappropriate humor, much like the early Rockstar.
A: You have Rockstar humor.
B: Can you like... make sense? For once?
A: No, also the dot on the letter "i" (and j) is called a tittle.
by ballsack doodoofart June 7, 2023
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Something that some people and me, don't have.
Malin: This girl doesn't have a sense of humor at all

Dawn: And you don't either MALIN or should i say, MELON
by Mrs. Crackhead June 1, 2018
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Humor is something that makes you either laugh for at least 2 minutes or makes you strongly exhale out your nose.
by wyeriuddsnjd December 16, 2019
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