Ready and rez cooked together in a swirl pattern til a cookie like disc is formed…
Hits of swirled Cookie Crisp will send ur mind spiraling 🌀 and ur senses into overdrive
by Burn Larry Goode July 18, 2023
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A vanilla swirl is the act of spunking in a womens asshole after she has had a shit. When pulling out you must swirl the shitty spunk around their asshole hence creating the Vanilla Swirl
Honey im going to give you the messiest vanilla swirl tonight and lick your chocolate star fish clean.
by Batty fingerer September 6, 2023
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an amazing mixed girl who loves Hayden and Merritt.
I am G Swirl Chinnella.
by gluvsjb August 17, 2008
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when you're bangin an Amish milf and she starts spinning around on your unit like a bay blade
"Yo, bro this Amish chick gave me the craziest dutchie swirl last night, she was spinnin like crazy"
by Mr.Dutchie October 26, 2022
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Eating ass and you end up eating poop
I was givin that bitch an RJ and I was givin a midnight swirl in return.
by Funkymonkeychunks January 3, 2017
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When you go in the anus and spin around while inside creating a rubber band effect which will spin you around again.
Hot Girl #1 Can we do a sweden swirl?
Hot Male#1 Why not!
by kdbfifbqewbefid April 27, 2018
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