Some people that are obssesed with singing fish and play with them and waste $400 on a single fish . Also they are on youtube.
***e**44: I wasted $400 on a bony soul and now im poor! ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ

Someone: i want rocking fish
Ebay seller: ok want it for $1000000000000000

Just******s******f***c*******: OMG WHERE DID YOU GET THAT
Me: he got it from you ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

Someone: i dont have any fishes and im not a singing fish collector
Me: good for u!!
by Pxprobotvidz January 17, 2020
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A singing accent is the change in a person's voice when they sing as opposed to when they talk.
Mark: Doesn't Sam's voice sound different when he sings?
Tom: Yes, it's his singing accent. Everybody has one.
by arandomguy77 January 28, 2014
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A motherfucker; bisexual; asshole; cunt; pussy; pornstar
This type of person do marvellous job on bed; Possess massive genital organ.
Sing Yongs usually did good job with animals, especially with wild boar.
by fake dictionary December 30, 2017
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When one sustains a fart whilst walking/running. Refers to singed from league of legends when he uses his poison trail. Fart is usually juicy in nature
Duuude that guy in front of us definitely pulled a singed just now.
by Constipated Penguin March 9, 2015
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Did you see him trying to bag, that was senior sing right there.
by JUNIORZZZ March 23, 2010
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when one is having a normal conversation with a friend online and all of a sudden that friend starts to type lyrics super fast. (most likely lyrics to the current song they are listening to) The friend then proceeds to type the lyrics in an obnoxious way to emphasize the syllables and the way the song is sung. There fore, the friend is now singing in the online conversation through his fingers.
generic screename 1: are you sure the answer to number 2 is really 45.7
generic screename 2: and im freeeeeee!!!!
generic screename 1: free?
generic screename 2: freeeeeee faaaallllliiiin'!!!
generic screename 1: what?

generic screename 1: what are you doing?

generic screename 2: i'm singing with my fingers! :D
by jimmyboj November 23, 2009
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