pronounced; Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaar - RIN - nnnnnnnnn

Definition; someone who do not know how to pronounce their name, is also known as the person that do not do any work as well as a member of the Hitler youth. Attends gay camp regularly.

synonyms; Autistic, Autist, Cunt, Dick, Gay, Nazi, Retarded, Simpleton
Aaron: I'M NOT GAY!
Everyone else: Shut up Aaron.
by ItsAaronSir February 5, 2018
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The great Procrastinator. The great thinker. Easily distracted by whitish shards. Forgetfulness is common. And an ability to show a lack of empathy to those around him. Cant see the forrest for the trees.
Aaron is that u? I guess u fell asleep...
by chillscare May 20, 2018
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Aaron is a slender 12 year old boy. He has bad music tastes and strange talents. If you are looking for a tall muscular man... don’t go for Aaron, shayne is a much taller and stronger man. Aaron Naruto runs to His room immediately after he gets home to avoid human contact. He has 16 LEGO boxes in his room. He refuses to get his hair cut.
Frank: bro you’re such an Aaron
Aaron: don’t say that bro
by Bigstrongmuscleman July 18, 2019
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A nice kid whom everyone thinks is gay!
Oh Aaron that gay guy.
by Jilliy bean March 14, 2018
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Aaron is person who finds joy in tormenting other boys most comely named Vova
Aaron: hey Vova you like Lindsay
Vova: stop Aaron or I go to the office
Aaron: ok i'll stop
1 hour later
Aaron: hey Vova you like Lindsay
Vova: stop it Aaron !!
by Vovagaga December 5, 2019
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That one kid in class that tells the teacher a fake name.
"Do we have a A-A-Ron here?"
"Nope, my name is Aaron-"
by Honie Asana December 29, 2020
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Good-looking Asian guy, who's quiet, shy, and clique. Possibly gay, and hard to talk to.
I have a crush on Aaron!
by namedefinitionsmasterofall March 31, 2019
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