When megaman's arm turns into a dick and he fucks you
Mega rape is the weakness of Feminist Woman
by zRexxz June 17, 2023
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Pouring honey on a grown man then raping him.
“Dawg I heard that he got honey raped last night!

“No way!”
by large n4t3z2 March 17, 2020
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Getting someone to agree to go somewhere with you, and then going to a different destination, threatening to leave them at said destination if they do not provide sexual stimulation
Person 1: "yeah man I said I would take her home and then we went to the beach, she blew me for a ride home hahaha"
Person 2: "Dude that's destination rape"
by Sr. Frederick September 3, 2023
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When a movie is so incredibly bad that you blame it on the writers and producers for raping it in the asshole.
i.e. The Movie sucks complete asshole.

The Indiana Jones Movie sequel was so bad that many thought the directors had raped Indiana Jones.
As used on South Park: They Raped It! They raped Indiana Jones! NO!
by Please Ben Dover Son August 24, 2020
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The act of raping someone while planking.
Dude no need to plank rape her,she was just trying to get over you. Why were you planking on her bed anyway?
by IWillLickYou July 22, 2011
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Listen to your iPod on shuffle, you force yourself to listen to songs you don't feel like hearing.
I shuffle raped myself just a minute ago. I realized i hate a few songs.

shuffle rape
by suicidal grandma June 13, 2011
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