When you think it’s under pressure but it’s actually ice ice baby
The radio: do do do do do do dooo
Radio: ice ice baby
Elizasmith: darn it, it was Queen baiting
by Skystep July 15, 2023
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A girl who has sex when she is on her period. Mostly used to refer to a girl who goes down on another girl during her period.
"I throned a Crimson Queen last night. It was bloodier than the wedding on Game of Thrones." "She's such a Crimson Queen; she'll go down on another girl, even if they're bleeding."
by lilhippie November 18, 2014
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The most beautiful, radiant queen this world has ever seen. The sun rises when her eyes open, and goes down when the close. Her smile brings every breathing thing to a pause, in awe and her laugh has all people to their knees. Just a glimpse towards her can melt any frozen heart or have it skip a beat.
"Queen Alana is absolutely stunning, today."
"She is, every day."
by SlothfulSlothy February 7, 2023
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People who obsessively store everything in rubber or plastic tubs. Files, clothes, food, you get the idea. Instead of having the proper storage for these items.
She's a tub queen.
by Clara Fication June 5, 2016
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A gorgeous girl that is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Loyal, kind and very loving but all the while letting you know she is in charge. The Queen. The it girl.
She's a Queen Grima "Go girl, you're queening like Grima"
by Lebobbles February 10, 2017
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Usually related to hotted up cars from a certain smash repairer on queen street, Sydney.

Queen street'rs are usually heap of crap cars that have been lowered, allowed for more speakers than is audiable, crap performance show-pony cars.

They look good, but under the hood thier aint much.
"Man did you see that Queen Street'r It was SWEEEEeeeeEEEEeeeeeT"
by Jimmmy.Jam3s February 22, 2009
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