Someone that uses a post score in a basketball game called 2K, there is no effect in their build and is easy to use.
you see that post scores that dudes a “no skill
by Jacob Silas January 31, 2021
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People that play TWOH+Spin in Your Bizarre Adventure
Bro stop using no skill stands!!!

Stfu bro ur no skill
by phantomB) April 18, 2021
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This can be done while taking a very massive shit and having a excess amount of mucus in your mouth.
1. look down
2. aim between the tip of your shaft and the front part of the toilet seat, no homo.
3. let that baby fall.

If successful you are a skill spitter, if not, your just gay.
oh man that huge shit was so good i just had to test my spit skills, and attempt the Skill Spit.
by henriko November 24, 2006
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When a DJ with no skills shows up to a party. Or when your friend with bad music taste gets a hold of the aux chord in the car.
How can we have a great time at this party when DJ no skills is in the mix!!

Hey guys let's play some rhinestone cowboy! Come on really? Who let DJ no skills take control? Dj disc jockey no music skills
by Ashleeez March 9, 2016
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If someone says you have “ executive leadership skills,” they’re saying “you’re a little cunt.”
You have executive leadership skills!
by TheAmishDon March 2, 2022
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What most people, including me, don't have. Due to an increase in the amount of people using the Internet, that's to be expected of human society.
Bob: Do you have any social skills?
Alex: No, just like you and the other 99.99999% of the human population.
by Doctorate in Cussing September 12, 2023
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A term used frequently in workplace settings (especially in healthcare) by bosses to explain the different work abilities of their employees. Often used to justify screwing a "good" employee out of a day off or by giving them more job duties than their lazy incompetent coworkers. incompetent workers are often given days off, set schedules, easier job duties because their "skills" aren't up to par hence management doesn't really even want them working. Bosses tend to tout the "skill mix" theory but never compensate the higher skilled employees for said skills.
"Sorry you can't have that day off you requested, we're giving it to ............, We need you that day, the Skill Mix would be impacted if we gave you the day off."
by Nature nerd October 31, 2018
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