When someone fakes the pain and misery of a condition they don't have to get empathy.
He lied about having leukemia all those years to get pity. He was pain cropping my sister's illness. I'm so mad!
by Cenobite777 May 26, 2024
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That good-good your plug says is dankas fuck.

Other colloquial terms

Sticky icky
Juanito Plug: Yo Esteban, I got that bud crop, you want an eighth of it?

Esteban: For real? How much?

JP: $40

Esteban: WTF!!!
by realmistuhvuhlez August 26, 2018
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When in a pool or any other kind of large body of water; a girl walks by another person and has her period and then moves on while the other person is usally unaware of it.
When Corey ducked under water Shelby got her period so she desided to go crop planting and crop planted Corey when he was under water.
by Even C. June 12, 2008
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Crop dusting is a form of airbending using your asscheeks to target your enemies with your fart, you suck air in with your anus and then shoot out the fart using your Chakra
Oh damn, Jenny keeps Crop dusting me with her rank cooter queef
by CooterCatcher April 20, 2016
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When you fart in a secluded location but the fart follows you and leaves a trail of stink.
-What the hell is that smell
-My bad I farted back there
-God damn man your freaking crop dusting
by BewareTheDreads February 9, 2015
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Crushing a cheeto-puff in your butthole and brapping out the dust
Dayuuuummm, I was gonna snort a line of cheeto dust, but Jenice went crazy started crop dusting
by xXwienerWackerXx May 12, 2020
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The act of farting next to an immobilized group of people
While playing basketball jimmy ran by the opposing team’s bench and Farted next to the whole team. This is known as crop dusting.
by Basketball Tim December 24, 2018
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