A word relating to the New Zealand low-cost department store chain The Warehouse. It refers to the fact that the stores are often painted bright red. The stores are also known as the Ware Whare.
"Did you hear that they are building a big red shed down the road?"
"I just bought some jandals from the big red shed for 5 bucks"
by benrad February 8, 2019
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An old saying, expressing great annoyance. Originates from the early 1800s, first used when individuals desperate for the toilet found the only lavatory to be engaged.
I'm already in here, find somewhere else! Shit in the shed!
by J_N_C August 5, 2014
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once a persons levels of energy become so low, that even the smallest effort becomes almost impossible, breathing no longer is a habit it becomes a chore.

even going inside to take a piss is an effort so you resort to pissing behind it, but even that is an effort so you ask to piss out of the window.
Ashley: close the door marcus

Marcus: i cannot be arsed because i have the worst case of shed syndrome.

when shed syndrome becomes that bad that you piss behind the shed
by gOD12345678901234 July 28, 2011
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To relinquish or releive yourself of something.
A Barman wearing an unsightly hoodie was told by clients to ‘shed it
by Stephen Markland August 18, 2018
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Matt was in 3rd grade after school. He went to go ride his dirtbike its was stolen 25 years ago. From Barney's Shed.
by fireboss1 February 7, 2017
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a funny way to say "dumbass with heavy weaponry" usually this word is used in video games.
bruh that Shed pood is doing some nasty damage with that rocket launcher, and he killed himself.
by qhhegqjwjes March 25, 2022
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